
If you're using the API with the dataset 'british', you might be interested to know we've improved the coverage and added a new feature, English Profile Levels to the XML.

Senses may now have 'lvl' tags (usually at 'def-info' level), with information from the English Vocabulary Profile project. This categorises words and their senses into levels according to when learners are likely to be familiar with them. While everyone's learning path is different, it is a useful way of identifying how important the word is to learn and can also be used to determine how a learner is doing.

The six levels, A1-C2 have been designed to fit with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), so are comparable with levels of learning across different levels. They are based on investigations into the language students actually produce in examination, using, among other things, the Cambridge Learner Corpus, and also a growing English Profile corpus of language students are using in schools.

So from the entry paint, you can see that the sense of making a picture is very well understood by learners, but the sense of covering a room in paint may not be used by learners until a little bit later.

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