

This is the full specification of the API, each method with its required input parameters and possible responses.

The API key should be sent in the header of the HTTP request as the accessKey value.

Note also that you can try out all the methods and see the responses on our demo page.


Retrieves a list of dictionaries and information about each.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
Response 200
Information relating to a single dictionary.
    • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
      Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
    • dictionaryName [STRING]
      User-facing name of the dictionary dataset.
    • dictionaryUrl [STRING]
      Canonical URL corresponding to a description of the dataset on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Retrieves information about a specific dictionary.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
Response 200
Information relating to a single dictionary.
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • dictionaryName [STRING]
    User-facing name of the dictionary dataset.
  • dictionaryUrl [STRING]
    Canonical URL corresponding to a description of the dataset on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


This feature not implemented in API v1.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
Response 200
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Retrieves the full entry for a given entryId.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • format [STRING] Parameter
    Format of entries to be returned. xml or html.
Response 200
Full information on a dictionary entry.
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryContent [STRING]
    The actual content of an entry, in XML or HTML5, according to the format selected. See the XML dtd for details.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • entryLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • entryUrl [URL]
    The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • format [STRING]
    Format of entry content returned. xml or html.
  • topics
      • topicId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the individual topic. The getTopic method provides complete information about a topic.
      • topicLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the topic. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • topicParentId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the parent of the topic.
      • topicUrl [STRING]
        The canonical URL of the topic on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Entry)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Entry '{entryId}' not found.
<errorMessage>Entry '{entryId}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Finds the preceding and following entries in the current dictionary dataset for a given entryId.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • entrynumber [INT] Parameter
    Number of items to be shown.
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • nearbyFollowingEntries
      • entryId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
      • entryLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • entryUrl [URL]
        The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • nearbyPrecedingEntries
      • entryId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
      • entryLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • entryUrl [URL]
        The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Entry)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Entry '{entryId}' not found.
<errorMessage>Entry '{entryId}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Gets audio pronunciations associated with the entry.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • format [STRING] URL; Default: mp3
    mp3 or ogg
  • lang [STRING] URL; Default: [empty]
    uk or us. If left blank, gets both.
Response 200
    • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
      Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
    • entryId [IDSTRING]
      Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
    • lang [STRING]
      Language variant of pronunciation. uk or us.
    • pronunciationUrl [URL]
      The URL of the audio pronunciation.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Entry)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Entry '{entryId}' not found.
<errorMessage>Entry '{entryId}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Finds entries describing the same word/meaning in other dictionary datasets.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [INT] URL
    Unique id of the entry in question.
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • relatedEntries
      • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
      • entryId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
      • entryLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • entryUrl [URL]
        The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Entry)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Entry '{entryId}' not found.
<errorMessage>Entry '{entryId}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.
Performs a search for a word or phrase in a particular dictionary.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • pageindex [INT] Parameter; Default: 1
    The index (offset) of the page to be shown.
  • pagesize [INT] Parameter; Default: 10
    Number of entries to be shown per page.
  • q [STRING] Parameter
    The string to search for.
Response 200
  • currentPageIndex [INT]
    The index (offset) of the current page of results.
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • pageNumber [INT]
    The total number of pages of results found.
  • resultNumber [INT]
    The total number of results found.
  • results
      • entryId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
      • entryLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • entryUrl [URL]
        The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Page)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Selected page index not found
<errorMessage>Selected page index not found</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Returns spelling suggestions for a word, i.e. original and inflected forms which resemble the word entered. Note that this will return suggestions even for words spelled correctly!
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • entrynumber [INT] Parameter
    Number of items to be shown.
  • q [STRING] Parameter
    The string to search for.
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • searchTerm [STRING]
    The term that the user has entered. Don't forget this is user-generated and therefore tainted.
  • suggestions[STRING]
    The suggested new search term.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Performs a search for a word or phrase in a particular dictionary, and returns the entry for the first result.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • format [STRING] Parameter
    Format of entries to be returned. xml or html.
  • q [STRING] Parameter
    The string to search for.
Response 200
Full information on a dictionary entry.
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryContent [STRING]
    The actual content of an entry, in XML or HTML5, according to the format selected. See the XML dtd for details.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • entryLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • entryUrl [URL]
    The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • format [STRING]
    Format of entry content returned. xml or html.
  • topics
      • topicId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the individual topic. The getTopic method provides complete information about a topic.
      • topicLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the topic. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • topicParentId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the parent of the topic.
      • topicUrl [STRING]
        The canonical URL of the topic on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Get a list of the theasuruses attached to a given dictionary dataset.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
Response 200
Unique id of the thesaurus.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Get information about a particular thesaurus.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • thesaurusName [IDSTRING] URL
    Unique id of the thesaurus, found from the getTopics method.
Response 200
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Thesaurus)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Thesaurus '{thesaurusId}' not found.
<errorMessage>Thesaurus '{thesaurusId}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Get information about a particular thesaurus topic.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • thesaurusName [IDSTRING] URL
    Unique id of the thesaurus, found from the getTopics method.
  • topicId [IDSTRING] URL
    Unique id of the individual topic.
Response 200
  • entries
      • entryId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
      • entryLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • entryUrl [URL]
        The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • subTopics
      • topicId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the individual topic. The getTopic method provides complete information about a topic.
      • topicLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the topic. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • topicParentId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the parent of the topic.
      • topicUrl [STRING]
        The canonical URL of the topic on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • topicId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the individual topic. The getTopic method provides complete information about a topic.
  • topicLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the topic. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • topicParentId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the parent of the topic.
  • topicUrl [STRING]
    The canonical URL of the topic on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Thesaurus)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Thesaurus '{thesaurusId}' not found.
<errorMessage>Thesaurus '{thesaurusId}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid TopicId)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Topic '{topicId}' not found in {dictionaryCode}.
<errorMessage>Topic '{topicId}' not found in {dictionaryCode}.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Retrieves the full entry which is the word of the day for a particular dictionary dataset. NB: We do not use dataset-specific WOTD, use getWordOfTheDay instead.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • day [DATE: YYYY-MM-DD] Parameter; Default: today's date
    The day for which you want to get the word of the day
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
  • format [STRING] Parameter
    Format of entries to be returned. xml or html.
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryContent [STRING]
    The actual content of an entry, in XML or HTML5, according to the format selected. See the XML dtd for details.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • entryLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • entryUrl [URL]
    The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • format [STRING]
    Format of entry content returned. xml or html.
  • topics
      • topicId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the individual topic. The getTopic method provides complete information about a topic.
      • topicLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the topic. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • topicParentId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the parent of the topic.
      • topicUrl [STRING]
        The canonical URL of the topic on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 400 (Invalid Date)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Requested date is invalid.
<errorMessage>Requested date is invalid.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Retrieves a preview of the Word of the Day for a particular dictionary dataset. NB: We do not use dataset-specific WOTD, use getWordOfTheDayPreview instead.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • day [DATE: YYYY-MM-DD] Parameter; Default: today's date
    The day for which you want to get the word of the day
  • dictCode [IDSTRING] URL
    Dictionary code, which can be found from the getDictionaries method
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • entryLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • entryUrl [URL]
    The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • format [STRING]
    Format of entry content returned. xml or html.
  • htmlEntryPreview [STRING]
    A preview of the entry, in HTML, suitable for teasers, etc.
  • textEntryPreview [STRING]
    A preview of the entry, in plain text, suitable for teasers, etc.
Response 400 (Invalid Date)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Requested date is invalid.
<errorMessage>Requested date is invalid.</errorMessage>
Response 404 (Invalid Dictionary)
Make sure that you have passed a valid dictionary code. These are listed by the getDictionaries method.
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Dictionary '{dictionaryCode}' not found.
<errorMessage>Dictionary  '{dictionaryCode}' not found.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Retrieves the full entry which is the Word of the Day for the site.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • day [DATE: YYYY-MM-DD] Parameter; Default: today's date
    The day for which you want to get the word of the day
  • format [STRING] Parameter
    Format of entries to be returned. xml or html.
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryContent [STRING]
    The actual content of an entry, in XML or HTML5, according to the format selected. See the XML dtd for details.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • entryLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • entryUrl [URL]
    The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • format [STRING]
    Format of entry content returned. xml or html.
  • topics
      • topicId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the individual topic. The getTopic method provides complete information about a topic.
      • topicLabel [STRING]
        A user-facing label which describes the topic. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
      • topicParentId [IDSTRING]
        Unique id of the parent of the topic.
      • topicUrl [STRING]
        The canonical URL of the topic on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
Response 400 (Invalid Date)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Requested date is invalid.
<errorMessage>Requested date is invalid.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.


Retrieves a preview of the Word of the Day for the site.
Request Parameters
  • Accept [STRING] Header; Default: application/json
    application/json or application/xml
  • day [DATE: YYYY-MM-DD] Parameter; Default: today's date
    The day for which you want to get the word of the day
Response 200
  • dictionaryCode [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary dataset. The getDictionary method provides complete information about a dictionary.
  • entryId [IDSTRING]
    Unique id of the dictionary entry. The getEntry method provides complete information about an entry.
  • entryLabel [STRING]
    A user-facing label which describes the entry. NB: This may contain XML-escaped characters like &amp; for &.
  • entryUrl [URL]
    The canonical URL of the entry on Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
  • format [STRING]
    Format of entry content returned. xml or html.
  • htmlEntryPreview [STRING]
    A preview of the entry, in HTML, suitable for teasers, etc.
  • textEntryPreview [STRING]
    A preview of the entry, in plain text, suitable for teasers, etc.
Response 400 (Invalid Date)
  • errorCode
  • errorMessage
    Requested date is invalid.
<errorMessage>Requested date is invalid.</errorMessage>
Response 500
  • errorCode [STRING]
    An error code indicating the type of error
  • errorMessage [STRING]
    A full description of the error encountered.